Collaborations Shape Our Future

At CSMLS, as a component of our strategic plan and internal philosophy to support membership needs, we are actively seeking partnerships and innovative projects for collaboration on a wide range of topics, level of involvement and project impact potential. Every bit counts. Requests for collaboration will be prioritized with decisions dependant on available resources, innovation considerations and the ability of the project to impact our members and the profession as a whole.

  • If you are a CSMLS member or medical laboratory student who is interested in volunteering, participating or collaborating on a project with CSMLS, please contact with a brief description of your intent and desired level of involvement.
  • If you are an organization representative and have an innovative project, research or committee opportunity you would like CSMLS to be involved in, please contact with a description of the concept purpose, anticipated contributions of CSMLS and concept significance.

CSMLS members from across Canada have joined us to conduct innovative research and support special projects. We would like to thank each one of them for contributing your time, expertise and passion to these endeavors.

We look forward to working with you!

Amanda Van Spronsen

Anas Gharra

Bernie Hartung

Brendan O'Brien

Christine Bruce

Helene-Marie Goulding

Ivan Aditya

Jingwei Chen

Julia Acker

Lisa Mantifel

Mary Bylhouwer

Noelle Cater

Oliver Li

Tamara Chambers-Richards

Valentin Villatoro

Maria Roussakis

Kimberly Wheelans

Lisa Purdy

Paula Van Vliet

Stephanie Eccles

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement : We respectfully acknowledge the CSMLS office, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is situated upon the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississauga Nation, Anishinaabe Peoples, and the Neutral Peoples. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum, which is a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Treaty No. 3, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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