Since 2006, the CSMLS has made a commitment to conduct and facilitate health services research about the medical laboratory profession. This research stemmed from the pressing issues within the health care system, such as the human resources concerns, that were not being addressed with traditional academic research. This gap in profession-specific data has now been highlighted and with the help of external funding, CSMLS has made strides in addressing the issues specific to the medical laboratory profession in Canada.
The goals of the research program include:
- creation of a research database and resource-sharing strategies;
- establishment of research networks, partnerships and support/mentoring mechanisms;
- implementation of research projects and broad dissemination of findings;
- adherence to high standards for ethical conduct of research and program accountability;
- gathering data and creating knowledge that inform decision-making about health human resources issues and thereby contribute to high quality health care in Canada;
- adoption and promotion of knowledge translation strategies.
For further information, please contact the CSMLS Chief Executive Officer.
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