Annual Report

Message from the 2016 President, Chris Hirtle and Christine Nielsen, CEO


Strategic Plan

The CSMLS operates as a membership association with regulatory functions, taking on regulatory elements including creation of competency profiles, certification exams and prior learning assessments.

We recognize the importance of working with provincial partners in supporting our members across Canada since health and education are provincial/territorial domains.

We work to increase the value for members by reviewing current benefits and determining where we could add.

Educators are important to the success of future medical laboratory professionals. We are working to enhance our current relationship with educators.


Who We Are

Our Members

CSMLS by the Numbers

2016: A Year in Review


2016 CSMLS Financial Summary

Download the Financial Summary

2016 CSMLS Volunteers & Key Contributors

Waleed Abu Libda
Lucie Alain
Isaac Aliche
Sara Allain
Chrystal Allen
Debra Andrew
Kimberly Armstrong
Malcolm Ashford
Susan Atkinson
Lori Aucoin
Kris Bailey
Sheila Baker
Mark Ballantyne
Tori Barker
Douglas Bartlett
Karen Anne Beatty
Sherri Beckner
Nancy Bergeron
Alana Boland
Marv Boncajes
Greg Bonner
Paul Bradbury
Catherine Mary Brown
Wendy Bryan
Jason Burleigh
Chelsea Busby
Brandy Callahan
Julie Carruthers
Amy Carver
Sonja Chamberlin
Vanessa Hoy Men Chan
Betty Sin Wah Chan
Elsie Chan
John Chapman
Eric Pun-WaiChing
Katherine Chorneyko
Adam Henry Chrobak
Kathy Chun
Amanda Cocca
Alain Collette
Mary Costantino
Donna Cottle
Paula Steeves
Maryanne Stewart
Roxanne Suchan
Jinmei Sun
Michele Sykes
Meng-Kee Tan
Masaye Tanaka
Pam VanSteelandt

Melanie Couture
Lucia del Carmen Cueva
Hansika Deepak
Lisa Denesiuk
Gregory Andrew Denomme
Gregory Dobbin
Andrea Dowling
Rosemary Drisdelle
June Dufresne
Samantha Dunn
Stephanie Eccles
Debbie Ellis
Denise Evanovitch
Larissa Fadish
Jennifer Fesser
Susan Findlater
Susanne Marie Folco
Joyce Forson
Christine Frantz
Karen Gabriele
Kathleen Gagliardi
Brenda Jean Gamble
Bharat Gandhi
Darcy Gara
Kara Garnett
Angela Gatt
Pauline George
Shelby Giesbrecht
Tonya Gorkoff
Michelle Gosselin
Maurice Goulet
Brad Grant
Rae Gropper
Anna Haasen
David Haldane
Gregory Hardy
Laurie Hart
Mark James Hawkins
Mario Hemens
Gina Hendrick
Kenneth Wong
Wayne Wood
Sheila Woodcock
Lynn Judith Yawney
Andy Zhang
Melissa Veinot
Patricia Verbeke

Claire Cascadia Hilscher
Chris Hirtle
Dr. Brian Hodges
Eleanor Joan Hooley
Julie Horne
Dawn Hutchinson
Jiewn Hwang
Shawn Ingersoll
Joanne Lynn Isber
Camille Jackson
Glen Johnston
Janice Jones
Jennine Kafka
Linda Kappel
Lydia Elizabeth Keczem
Ainslay Kerr
Rob Kerekes
Samantha Kimball
Melissa King
Maria Klement
David Kuni
Luc Bernard Lafrance
Sharon Leal
Andrex Lee
Nancy Lemelin
Kristi Lew
Patricia Ellen Ludlow
Rebecca Ma
Joshua MacDonald
Belinda MacKinnon
Kim MacNevin
Heather Laura Malcolm
Sandra Marontate
Kelly Marshall
Curtis Martin
Roberta Martindale
Victoria Massey
Dana Rae Masters
Jan Maxwell
Blanca McArthur
Carolyn McCarville
Marion McChesney
Lisette Vienneau
Valentin Villatoro
Melissa Walsh
Christopher Ward
Tamar Patreeka Webster
Warren Weeks
Kimberly Lee Wheelans
Kathy Wilkie

Jennifer McCulloch
Kelly Ann McPherson
Christine McRoberts
William McTaggart
Wendy June Mellen
Patrick Mercuri
Melissa Mikl
Subhash Kumar Mohan
Colleen Moran
Cathy Moran Robinson
Corey Murray
Shirley Nan
Myhanh Ngo
Delaney Lee Nickerson
Brendan O'Brien
Jennifer O'Leary
Jennifer O'Neill
Krista Patriquin
Carlos Pereira
Diane Marie Perry
Conor Porter
Lisa Purdy
Pamela Quinsey
Sydney Redpath
Janet Reid
Anne Rendell
Rosalie Richard
Anne Rigg
Joël Rivero
Luca Rizzetto
Barbara Ross
Elizabeth Ryan
Kristie Sandquist
Audrey Elaine Saxton
Melissa Sereda
Justin Shaver
Gene Marie Shematek
Mary Allison Shields
Helen Ruth Smith
Dylan Smitzniuk
Linda Joy Stang
Josephine Thompson
Andrea Tjahja
Tania Toffner
Judy Tran
Sung Tsou
Krista Urchenko
Amanda VanSpronsen
Frederick Wong


Previous Years

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement : We respectfully acknowledge the CSMLS office, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is situated upon the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississauga Nation, Anishinaabe Peoples, and the Neutral Peoples. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum, which is a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Treaty No. 3, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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