Simulation and Clinical Placement National Discussion - Teleconference Series

Thank you to all those who presented and attended the Teleconference Series! Your participation has helped too expand our national understanding of simulation and clinical placement models, and it will continue to support efforts to evaluate how academic programs can integrate the latest trend in education while supporting our profession's health human resource shortage needs.

Presented by the Simulation Knowledge Exchange – Research Network, in collaboration with the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science


Who are we?

In collaboration with CSMLS, the Simulation Knowledge Exchange – Research Network consists of representatives from 13 academic organizations with medical laboratory science programs (MLT and MLA) from across Canada. These individuals share a common interest in creating profession specific research and evidence based information on simulation and clinical placement topics. Together, we aim to increase our national understanding of these through research and knowledge transfer activities.

What is the Teleconference Series?

The Teleconference Series is one of our goals to help disseminate knowledge and increase networking opportunities. It is a place to listen to important information on simulation and clinical placement innovation that is happening within and outside our programs. Also, it is a place to hold a national conversation on relevant topics you deem important!

The length of the Teleconference Series will be determined by you! As long as you identify important topics, we will continue the series. It is expected that 10-12 presentations will be held at this time.

What are the topics?

Click here for a list of presenters and topics! Check back often for updated information and printable posters.

Why should I join the discussion?

The results of the CSMLS Simulation and Clinical Placement Forum (April 2016), held with educator stakeholders, identified a strong need to create a productive place for presentations, discussions and networking opportunities that promote innovation and opportunities for program enhancement. Our academic programs, students, professionals and clinical placements sites are undergoing dramatic changes, and will continue to do so over the next several years. We need to continue our conversations on what this change is, how it will affect us, and what solutions can help. For many, changing our simulation and clinical placement models will support this.

Who can attend?

All CSMLS members are welcome to join! The Teleconference Series is open to all individuals associated with medical laboratory science programs (MLT and MLA) and those who have an interest in simulation and/or clinical placement models and innovations.

If you know of a non-CSMLS member who would like to join our discussion, please contact with their name, organization and contact information.

Can I present a topic or discussion?

Yes! The Research Network and CSMLS welcome all individuals with a knowledgeable background and interest to participate!

Please contact Laura Zychla, CSMLS Researcher at with your name, presentation topic or discussion idea, contact information including program or organization affiliation, and preferred timeline to present.

Proceeding will be held in English, unless French speaking individuals volunteer for a presentation or discussion.

Can I recommend a topic or discussion?

Yes! Please submit your presentation topic or discussion recommendation here!

How do I call into the teleconference?

Click on the presentation date in the ‘Upcoming Presentation’ section below. Click on the ‘Join the Teleconference’ green button for further teleconference instructions.



Teleconference Schedule: Recurring on the 4th Monday each month from 12-1pm EST. Download the poster here. Posters specific to presentations can be found in the corresponding events below.

  Jan 23rd 2017, 12-1pm EST [Click here for details]

Presenter: Rhonda Shea, BSc MA MLT

Topic: Learn what simulation is and is not! Understand the do’s and don’ts! This introductory SIM 101 presentation will help create our collective understanding of the topic and how simulation can support students, employers, clinical instructors and academic programs.

Watch this video prior to the presentation

Download the presentation slides: LabSiRG: Sim 101

  Feb 27th 2017, 12-1pm EST [Click here for details]

Presenter: Dr. Peter Bridge, Academic Chair of Medical Laboratory Sciences at the Michener Institute of Education at UHN

Topic: A Laboratory Information System (LIS) is a core component of the simulated clinical experiences at Michener. We use a fully functional version of MediTech which is maintained and administered for us by a partner hospital and has bi-directional interfaces with microbiology, chemistry, hematology and POCT analyzers at Michener. Students use a full range of functions such as Patient Registration, Laboratory Order Entry, Bar Code Label Printing, Sample Receiving with Integrity Comments, Result Verification and Broadcast. Our long-term goal is to expand this system to become a true Hospital Information System (HIS) that includes and interacts with other departments as a means to further enhancing interprofessional collaboration between laboratory and direct patient care disciplines.

Download the teleconference poster: Laboratory Information Systems and Simulation

Handouts may be available prior to any presentation. Please check back prior to joining the teleconference.

  March 27th 2017, 12-1pm EST [Click here for details]

Presenters: Brenden O’Brien and Judy Tran

Topic: The student’s perspective of simulation and clinical placement.

Think you know what the latest generation of students is experiencing? Think again! Hear candid first-hand experiences from recent graduates and the latest research on how simulation can support their learning experience and what they encounter in the clinical placement setting – the good and the bad! Understand how the student voice is imperative and should be better integrated to the perpetual communication loop between academic programs and clinical placement sites.

  April 24th 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenter: Nancy Lemelin, Cégep de l’Outaouais.

Topic: Critical thinking and problem solving skills – how can simulation help bridge the gap between academic institutions and the workplace?

The clinical laboratory is a dynamic work environment that requires employees to think critically, be flexible, organized and to problem solve when needed. How can educators help students develop these learning skills and become better entry-level technologists? By making thinking more visible through simulation. This presentation will also include a brief insight into our clinical placement model and how our program is searching for ways to better prepare students and to help support them during their clinical placements.

  May 22nd 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenter: Laura Zychla, CSMLS

Topic: Simulation and Clinical Placement Employer Forum 2017 - Continuing the Discussion

The Employer Forum, held by CSMLS on April 29th (Toronto, ON) and co-hosted with Michener, will result in discussions that make change - just as the Educator Forum in 2016 did! Join this presentation to hear what was discussed at the Forum, the solutions contemplated and the opinion of experts on how to derive change that fits our future. Also, find out the results of the CSMLS Employer Survey and what clinical placement teams need to build a bright future for students and staff.

  June 26th 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenters: LabSiRG

Topic: Debriefing and Simulation

Debriefing is a critical component of simulation and likely one of the most misunderstood. Hear from simulation experts on the importance of debriefing, how to effectively debrief and much more! This presentation will showcase leading research as well as provide you with practical information that can be implemented in your program immediately.

  July 24th 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenters: Michele Sykes, Red River College

Topic: MLS New Media Technologies

An exploration of immersive technologies as an avenue to address constraints in training students or new practitioners in the laboratory environment. Learn how some new innovative tools of were created, developed, and implemented at Red River College, as well as future opportunities currently being investigated.

  August 28th 2017, 12-1pm EDT [CANCELLED]

Cancelled for summer holidays

  Sept 25th 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenters: Joël Rivero, BScMLS, MLT is an award-winning allied health educator and student work placement facilitator at NorQuest College (Edmonton, AB). He has facilitated professionalism, effective communications, and social media workshops across Canada, and is currently working towards a Master of Arts in Communication and Technology degree at the University of Alberta. 

Topic: Current students are savvy in social media but they don’t always understand how it can apply to their future profession or how profound a learning tool it is. There are many avenues social media can be incorporated to support students such as learning about information privacy and professional etiquette. But it doesn’t stop there! Join the teleconference to understand how social media can be used within the content learned during simulation and how it can be an active tool driving simulation. 

  Oct 23rd 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenters: Greg Hardy

Title: Cost Conscious Simulation

Topic: The presentation provides an overview of simulation using low fidelity techniques at the College of the North Atlantic with third-year medical laboratory students. It will include the program structure and how simulation is utilized in each of the laboratories to supplement clinical training in a cost conscious era.

  Join the Teleconference

  Nov 27th 2017, 12-1pm EDT [Click here for details]

Presenters: Cheryl Russell-Julien, Rafik Ragheb, Kamil Haddad and Pauline George

Title: Collaborative Approach to MLA Practicum 

Topic: Join us and hear how a collaborative approach to creating MLA standardized documentation and practicum provides benefits for educators and clinical sites. There are currently five Career Colleges using this document and all are approaching practicum in the same fashion.

  Join the Teleconference






Indigenous Land Acknowledgement : We respectfully acknowledge the CSMLS office, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is situated upon the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississauga Nation, Anishinaabe Peoples, and the Neutral Peoples. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum, which is a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Treaty No. 3, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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