Be a LabVocate

Everyone is an advocate. When you talk to people about the work you do in the lab, it’s the first step in advocacy and raising awareness about the profession. Teaching the public about the important work you do for patient care increases the understanding and value of medical laboratory professionals within the health care team.


The website was created with the public in mind. It provides an interactive overview of the medical laboratory professions and the types of tests run in the lab, and it reinforces the impact of the lab on patient care dimensions.

The 5Es of Science Communication

Are you eager to share your passion of all things medical laboratory with the world? You’ve come to the right place. We have Jason Tetro’s 5Es of science communication to help you create and disseminate effective science-related messaging that is accurate, more agreeably received by the audience and adheres to audience values. These 5Es are education, enrichment, engagement, entertainment and empathy.


Take a look below to see each “E” described in detail.




Science communicators must share accurate, evidence-based knowledge.




This approach is all about making sure that the information you provide is practical and can be used by your audience.




The objective of engagement is to fuel a two-way connection that encourages the audience to participate.




Like the engagement approach, there isn’t just one way to entertain an audience.




By definition, empathy is all about being able to understand what a person is going through.

Be sure to check out Jason Tetro’s full article “Learning from History to Increase Positive Public Reception and Social Value Alignment of Evidence-Based Science Communication” to learn more about effective science communication!


One of the easiest ways for people to understand the work in the lab is to show them. These videos are available through the CSMLS Youtube channel and can be emailed, shared on social media or embedded onto websites.

In the Lab

Your host Andrew Chapman illustrates the importance of the medical laboratory profession by giving you an inside look at the inner workings of a busy laboratory in both a hospital and private lab. We’ll go behind the laboratory doors at Toronto General Hospital at UHN and LifeLabs to speak with medical laboratory professionals who complete the health care picture.

We Are Lab – Documentary Series


We’re Here for You

Our Focus is You

Community Outreach

The best way to advocate for your profession is to start with the world around you - your friends, family and community. The tools below can be used for giveaways and community or workplace presentations. They can even be added to waiting rooms.

PowerPoint Presentation

Word Search

Partners for Life

For more information or to book your appointment visit Partners for Life

CSMLS hosts Adopt-a-Donor-Centre donation events across the country. At these events, CSMLS volunteers provide special giveaways and treats to donors. The volunteers then take the time to tell each donor how medical laboratory professionals are part of the blood donation system. They emphasize how blood and blood products are kept safe through rigorous lab testing and how the products are tested for patient compatibility before use.

The CSMLS Adopt-a-Donor-Centre events are a unique way for members to talk directly to the public about the impact laboratory work has on patient care and the blood donation system.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement : We respectfully acknowledge the CSMLS office, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is situated upon the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississauga Nation, Anishinaabe Peoples, and the Neutral Peoples. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum, which is a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Treaty No. 3, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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