We are Lab.

April 29, 2020
We are Lab. This is the statement of celebration for this year’s National Medical Laboratory Week: April 26 - May 2, 2020. Globally, and here in Canada, the direct link between the medical laboratory and patient care has never been so obvious. While medical laboratory professionals are currently working around the clock in the battle against COVID-19, they have always been there for patients. They have always prepared samples, conducted tests and analyzed results that are the basis for medical diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients. Even without a pandemic, these health care professionals are vital in guiding medical decisions. Without lab tests, and the professionals who conduct them, quality patient care is impossible.

Since 1985, the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) has sponsored this special week to highlight the vital role of medical laboratory professionals in Canada's health care system and shine a light on the dedicated women and men in this health care field.
This year, Lab Week looks a little different, as many professionals are too busy on the frontline of this pandemic to truly celebrate. The CSMLS is using social media to celebrate and honour laboratory professionals across Canada. Follow and use the hashtags #WeAreLab and #LabWeek to celebrate and recognize their hard work.

“National Medical Laboratory Week is a highlight of the year for many lab professionals, and this year is very special,” says CSMLS President, Nancy Bergeron. "It’s important to celebrate their work and give them encouragement and gratitude at this time.”

Get to know Canada's medical laboratory professionals at Medical Laboratory Technologists, Diagnostic Cytotechnologists, Clinical Genetics Technologists and Medical Laboratory Assistants are all part of the medical laboratory community across Canada.

For more information about the CSMLS, visit

The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science is the national certifying body for medical laboratory technologists and medical laboratory assistants, and the national professional society for Canada's medical laboratory professionals. Incorporated in 1937 as the Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists, the society has over 14,000 members in Canada and in countries around the world.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement : We respectfully acknowledge the CSMLS office, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is situated upon the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississauga Nation, Anishinaabe Peoples, and the Neutral Peoples. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum, which is a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Treaty No. 3, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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